
Zhou jiangyong, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Committee and Wenzhou Municipal Party Committee Secretary, visited Risesun Science and Technology Co. Ltd for Inspection and Guidance
23.08 2017

    On the morning of August 22, Zhou jiangyong, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Committee and Wenzhou Municipal Party Committee Secretary, Mi jiankang, Yin zhijun and other leaders from Wenzhou Municipal Committee and Municipal Government visited Risesun Science and Technology Co. Ltd to carry out special investigation on the work of enterprise public listing and to know about the enterprise public listing advancement situation.

   Secretary Zhou had a comprehensive understanding of the operation and development of the company from Chairman Xiangchao. When Secretary Zhou learned about the company's investment in product research and development in recent years and its actively moving into new energy and overseas markets, he praised and encouraged that the company should take technology and talents as the fundamental, innovation as the driving force to accelerate its development and try to transform from "Made in Zhejiang" to "Made with Wisdom" to go to the whole country and go global.

   During the meeting, General Manager Lin mingguang reported to Secretary Zhou on the planning of the enterprise public listing. Secretary Zhou said the municipal government was concerned about the healthy development of the real economy and promoting the listing of enterprises was an important part of the revitalization of the real economy, also the effective means of financial return to the real economy and the comprehensive test of enterprise development level and competitiveness. The company should seize development opportunities and keep the government, enterprises and associations in multi-lateral cooperation to speed up the listing of the enterprise. Party committees at all levels and the enterprise listing promotion association should guide more enterprises to change their ideas, strengthen their will, have steadfast determination, and get ready to provide a continuous backup force for the listing of enterprises.
